Moods ... destroy all ... … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Yes …. moods are annoying.

And many of us have those … moods.

… randomly.

Without any logic at all … we are totally dominated of those energies … and ….

It is actually a total nonsense … but without any reason … we wake up with those moods … and …

Well …. I had this.

Not one time.

But … many, many times.

I couldn’t explain myself what or why … but i was totally dominated by ugly energies … destroying the day for all the ones i was meeting with.

And … of course … I didn’t cared.

I didn’t cared …. of absolutely anything.

In fact … I didn’t cared at all … cause all i was focused of …. was my mood.

I felt … imprisoned.

Yes … imprisoned into very, very ugly energies.

… without any chance …. anymore … of getting out of there.

Moods … are repetitive.

They just … appear one day.

I saw women having lots of those days being dominated by moods, but of course …. men become anchored in that too.

And … i smile.

I smile … cause I understand that somehow being in those moods … we start acting … like into a charade.

The same person … which yesterday was ok with everyone … today can ruin the vibe of everyone from the stage of reality.

…. without any reason.

Today … i understand that … the passing of time … and the fact that allowing as our lives to be dominated by those ugly vibes … makes that our relationships to be ruined.

… and love relationships … also.

But …. of course we can’t see that.

We don’t understand the dynamic of all.

We don’t clearly see … how the dominance of ugly energies on our souls …. makes us act stupid on the stage of life.

… in continuous form.

Moods …. are repetitive … and i know that all is repetitive is karmic.

Moods make us act … really …. really … ugly with the others.

So … all becomes … a karmic charade.

Unfortunately … it looks like we can’t really do anything … allowing the moods to destroy all.

At least … that day.

I can only conclude … that us … the ordinary people … can’t understand the moods, their tremendous dominance… and the extreme role they play on the dynamic of our relationships.

And … most of all … that we are not aware … that

being imprisoned by those ugly energies … we just ruin all.

When i say all … i really mean it.

Download the book ”The dark side … of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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